Published On: August 11, 2015

Cervizzi 20th


In the Summer of 1995, Cervizzi’s Martial Arts Academy® opened its doors instructing children, teens, and adults of all of the benefits of martial arts.  In 1996, Cervizzi’s began its fitness program with Kickboxing and have had continued success instructing and training people of all fitness levels and ages.  Cervizzi’s Martial Arts is Celebrating its 20th year in French Sq. Winthrop Center at 61 Woodside Ave. and will be having an extravaganza on Friday night Sept. 11th from 4-7pm.  They look forward to having the town, community members, and residents join in the festivities as they celebrate this momentous anniversary.  There will be FREE Classes for everyone; from Stranger Danger to Women’s Self Defense and so much more.  There will also be some huge savings for students to sign up.  Cervizzi’s will have Games and Prizes, board breaking for anyone that would like to join in the fun and will be throwing back prices to 1995 for registration so don’t forget to get signed up that day!  We want to give everyone the opportunity to receive the tremendous benefits of martial arts training at CMAA

Since 1995, Cervizzi’s has been growing; incorporating new and exciting programs both for martial arts and fitness while opening the doors of four other schools in Lynnfield, N. Reading, N. Andover and Andover.

Paul Cervizzi the President of Cervizzi’s Martial Arts with over 40 years of martial arts training had a vision of providing the best in martial arts and specialized fitness to the community.  The martial arts and fitness programs are unmatched in the industry and have always lead the way for other programs in the northeast. Cervizzi’s Martial Arts has been nationally and internationally recognized as being at the forefront of the martial arts and self defense industry as they have taken the training of their instructors and students to beyond just punching and kicking. “We have trained thousands of individuals in martial arts and fitness since 1995 and we are at the pillar of ‘giving back’ to the community.” The iconic establishment takes education, character building principles, and community involvement and integrates it into each class, belt exams, and beyond black belt.


Over the years, Cervizzi’s Martial Arts Academy® has been included in after school programs, academic institution events, a local university and fitness center and other organizations in Winthrop, Revere, Chelsea, Boston, East Boston, and many other surrounding communities to teach both martial arts, anti-bullying strategies, motivational leadership and self empowerment classes, and specialized fitness classes.

Chris Crocker the First Assistant Director of Cervizzi’s  Martial Arts, is a long time active Winthrop resident and parent who has been part of the program since opening its doors in 1995 and has seen the amazing growth of the program.  “This program has inspired children, teens, and adults to be healthy and excel physically & mentally.  Our students can’t wait to tell their school teachers how they earned their next rank and our students parents and significant others feel so proud when they see how dedicated their family members are.  This program is truly second to none and is for everyone!

We can’t wait to celebrate with the town on Friday Sept. 11th 4-7pm in French Square at 61 Woodside Ave.